Lesson Plan: Week 2

Lesson Step/
Drama Phase

Learning Experiences


Use of space (S)
Resources (R)

Preliminary discussion

2 mins

Students enter the room and make a drama circle with boy, girl, boy, girl in 10 seconds.

Good morning greeting

Students out of role

Drama circle (S)

Sharing session to reflect on what students  found interesting/learnt about Ravensbourne last lesson

10 mins

Sharing session:

Using the magic stick - in our village, in the mountains, whoever has the stick can talk and everyone else must listen. There is power in the stick. (empowering the students)

Tell me one thing that you have learnt or discovered last week in the story of Ravensbourne. You can share what you have made during the week (artefact) if you would like to. (Teacher encouragement for all students to say something as the stick is passed around the drama circle)

Concluding positive encouragement on the activity by the teacher

Students out of role - sharing

Drama circle - teacher sitting in drama circle(S)

Student artefacts (R)

Freeze frame and tap and talk activity explanation

5 mins

I'm going to put you into a group which mixes up the positions of responsibility. (new group) Each group will be given a different moment in the life of the village.

You will be given a theme:

  • 6am
  • 12 noon
  • 6pm

Or an occasion

  • During a village meeting
  • During a gathering
  • During hunting

Your group will prepare a freeze frame and a tap and talk.

Freeze frame revision - What is a freeze frame? (A moment of action from your day in a frozen image)

Tap and talk revision - from your freeze frame position you will be tapped by the teacher and you will say something you would say, think or feel in your area of responsibility at a certain time of the day.

We will all think and feel something in our freeze frames and tap and talk.

5 mins to work on this.

Students out of role

Rehearsal of freeze frame and tap and talk

5 mins

Teacher walks amongst groups offering suggestions, clarification and encouragement

Students in role rehearsing

Inside and outside the space (S)

Students' artefacts (R)

Revision of presenting freeze frames and tap and talk to an audience.

Group presentations.

15 mins

Students close their eyes and bow their heads whilst the acting group gets into the freeze frame position.

Student director counts down (5 ,4 ,3, 2 ,1) - begin scene with movie clapboard and teacher announces "freeze frame" - audience looks at frozen image.

(5 seconds of frozen image by the performers)

Teacher reminds audience of the focus question - What time of day is it?

Students present tap and talk (teacher taps each member on the shoulder one at a time)

Applause at conclusion and teacher asks "What time of day was it?/What occasion was it?" - audience response.

Clarification by acting group of time of day and explanation

Students in role performing

Audience and stage configuration (S)

Ravensbourne - chapter 2

5 mins

Students put their artefacts to the side of the space and return to the floor, eyes closed. Teacher reads Chapter two of Ravensbourne story.

Students slowly sit up.

Students out of role

Students lying on floor - eyes closed. (S)

Chapter 2 of Ravensbourne story (R)

Narrative development - discussion and recall of story

3 mins

What did you see behind your eyes when the story was read? - a few student revelations of their insight into the story

Students out of role

Students sit in drama space. (S)

Explanation of forming pairs task

3 mins

Teacher asks what the Raven would see as people were fighting. What would he see from above? Student responses.

Your task: In pairs, create a slow motion fight sequence that the Raven would be able to see between the fishing and the mining village.

Slow motion fight sequence explanation:

  • Don't touch anyone else
  • avoid the acted punch but react as though punched
  • explore what weapons may have been used

Teacher strikes a wooden block to show the pace of the slow motion sequence.

Students out of role

Wooden block and stick (R)

Student rehearsal

5 mins

Students rehearse slow motion action sequence

Students in role

Inside and outside spaces (S)

Slow motion action sequence performance

4 mins

Student performance of some of the groups.  (The rest of the groups will perform in class during the week)  One student selected to use clapboard to start performances. 3-2-1 Action

Teacher uses wooden block to indicate the timing of the slow motion and increase tension as students perform.

Feedback from students on the performance (2 stars and a wish).

Star of the week

Thanks for participation.

A week we will find out what happens in the story and your teacher will play a drama game with you during the week!!

Students in role performing

Audience/stage (S)

Wooden block and stick (R)

Clapboard (R)