Visual Arts
Abstractable Me targets content descriptors for Band 5–6 for Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority's (ACARA) Australian Curriculum: The Arts in both the organising strands of Making and Responding. As stated in the Shape of the Australian Curriculum: The Arts (August 2011), this unit requires students to explore, create, make and present art with deliberate planning to increase their skills in selecting and manipulating processes and forms for their expressive needs. Students identify and manage increasing complexity in design elements, techniques and forms, as well as evaluate, review and refine decisions in art practice. They present their work with awareness of venue, space, purpose and context. Students respond to a range of artworks and styles. In this unit, the focus is on selected abstract artworks. Students apply aesthetic criteria and communicate reasons for their preferences about their own and others' works. Students also respond through art-based vocabulary (line, shape/form, colour, size, space and principles of composition, proportion/scale, pattern, appropriation, fragmentation, multiple points of view, assemblage and repetition) as artists, audiences and critics.
The Student Learning video features interviews with the school's arts teacher, the school principal, and the Program Officer, Education and Curriculum Programs from the Gallery of Modern Art (GOMA), Brisbane. They describe how students can engage in making, presenting and critiquing the two-dimensional and three-dimensional forms. The video shows students working through aspects of Lessons 6 and 7 in which they create a three-dimensional self-portrait. The video also shows students engaging with the exhibition at the Gallery of Modern Art (GOMA), Brisbane, and the post-exhibition responding task conducted at the gallery by the arts teacher. Student interviews are included in the video to show how they orally critique their own work and the work of others.