Managing Space
Managing Space in the Arts : Using space for arts learning
This package is designed to encourage teachers to think creatively about using space when planning arts learning with their classes. Many teachers are reluctant to engage wholeheartedly in the arts with their students because they look around their classrooms and see too many space restrictions. However, the keys for an arts teacher when considering how to use space for artistic endeavour are imagination and creativity. A standard classroom filled with desks and chairs, an empty room, an outdoor play area, an undercover area designed for sports, an undeveloped area of the school premises or the local shopping centre can all provide suitable environments for the arts ... there really are few restrictions.
The problem that confronts many teachers is that they assume that the space they have been given must be used pretty much as it stands. Some teachers consider that classrooms furnished with an array of desks and chairs prevent exploration of dance or drama. This is not necessarily true, especially if the furniture is movable. Classroom routines can quickly be established to transform a room for temporary use during the school day as a dance or drama studio, as well as for performances. Areas within or near most classrooms can be earmarked for arts activities that require mass physical movement. The Media Arts curriculum can draw students beyond the classroom into the wider school and/or community. Music making can be enjoyed without reconceptualising space at all.
This package is designed to alert you to the possibilities available and to provide you with a platform for enabling your students to develop their arts learning without a sense of constraint.