Drama Technology bags handmade by students.

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  • Author :  admin
  • Date :  Mar 22, 2014
  • Views :  3037
  • Type :  1
  • Security:  image
  • Tags :  drama, role-play, storytelling


Package Specifications

Learning in and through the arts has obvious connections with other learning areas. Students’ development of understanding, knowledge and skills in the arts helps make learning real and adds a richness and relevance to learning in other areas. So rather than being self-contained or fixed, disciplines are interconnected, dynamic and growing. Through integrated learning and exploration of real world topics, issues, experiences or ideas, students are provided with a stimulus both to engage in artistic creation and to develop understanding in another learning area. Drama, with its ability to import the ‘outside world’ into the classroom, is the perfect integrator for work across discipline areas. The Ravensbourne Drama was planned to capture cross-disciplinary learning in English and Drama and with the cross-curriculum priority of Sustainability.


In DRAMA this unit of work addressed the following content from The Arts / Drama / Years 3 and 4.

Content description


Explore ideas and narrative structures through roles and situations and use empathy in their own improvisations and devised drama


  1. exploring and experiencing a range of roles and situations that they initiate and develop
  2. making improvisations that explore issues and ideas using empathy
  3. using elements of drama and the principles of stories to shape improvisations to communicate their intentions as drama makers, for example, establishing time and place and the roles and characters in the drama
  4. experimenting with tension, and creating dramatic meaning to sustain improvisations and process dramas
  5. Considering viewpoints – forms and elements: For example – How did the drama begin? Develop? Conclude? How did the performers vary their voices, movement and gestures to create and share believable characters? How are elements of drama such as role, situation, time and place part of the action? How is the dramatic tension developed in the drama?

Use voice, body, movement and language to sustain role and relationships and create dramatic action with a sense of time and place


  1. experimenting with the loudness/softness, pace and pitch of their voices to create roles and situations, time and place
  2. varying their facial expressions and movements to create roles and situations
  3. exploring roles and situations by trialling the use of language, such as choice of words, expressions and tone
  4. developing sensory and spatial awareness when creating dramatic action
  5. experimenting with body language and gesture from different cultures and times

Shape and perform dramatic action using narrative structures and tension in devised and scripted drama, including exploration of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander drama


  1. applying story structures in their drama, including roles and events linked through cause and effect and dramatic tension
  2. Considering viewpoints – meanings and interpretations: For example – What are the stories and the ideas in the drama you watch and listen to? Which of the characters do you identify with? What relationships and situations do you recognise (or not recognise) in the drama you watch and listen to?
  3. performing their improvised sections of process drama and playbuilding
    sharing with others dramatic action that is structured through dramatic tension, in real or virtual spaces
  4. planning and rehearsing their drama for a live or virtual performance


In ENGLISH this unit of work addressed the following content from English / Year 4 / Literature / Responding to literature.

Content description


Discuss literary experiences with others, sharing responses and expressing a point of view


  1. drawing comparisons between multiple texts and students’ own experiences. Commenting orally, in written form and in digital reviews on aspects such as: ‘Do I recognise this in my own world?’; ‘How is this text similar to or different from other texts I’ve read?’; ‘How common is it to human experience in the real world?’; ‘What new ideas does it bring?’; ’How do they fit with what I believe?’

Create literary texts that explore students’ own experiences and imagining


  1. drawing upon literary texts students have encountered and experimenting with changing particular aspects, for example the time or place of the setting, adding characters or changing their personalities, or offering an alternative point of view on key ideas

Use interaction skills such as acknowledging another’s point of view and linking students’ response to the topic, using familiar and new vocabulary and a range of vocal effects such as tone, pace, pitch and volume to speak clearly and coherently


  1. participating in pair, group, class and school speaking and listening situations, including informal conversations, class discussions and presentations
  2. developing appropriate speaking and listening behaviours including acknowledging and extending others’ contributions, presenting ideas and opinions clearly and coherently
  3. choosing a variety of appropriate words and prepositional phrases, including descriptive words and some technical vocabulary, to communicate meaning accurately
  4. exploring the effects of changing voice tone, volume, pitch and pace in formal and informal contexts

This project is funded by the Australian Government Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations.