Managing Resources – Media Arts:
An annotated selection of resources for teachers and learning designers

An annotated selection of resources for teachers and learning designers

Australian Film Television and Radio School: Open

Australian Film Television and Radio School’s (AFTRS) Open program runs programs for schools in the form of student workshops in filmmaking, animation, editing and screenwriting. AFTRS also offers professional development workshops for secondary and primary teachers in filmmaking, screen studies, editing, radio, screen acting and directing. 

Australian Centre for the Moving Image: 15 Second Place

Australian Centre for the Moving Image's (ACMI) 15 Second Place is an online interactive site where students create and upload 15-second videos of a place. Students can comment, share and tag their own and others' interpretation of places. The site encourages students to investigate, reflect on and creatively respond to physical spaces and their cultural, social, political and historical aspects. It provides educators with activity sheets and key questions about the topic. SMS prompts can also give on-the-spot ideas for activities.

Australian Centre for the Moving Image: Creative Workshops

Australian Centre for the Moving Image (ACMI) provides programs for schools around film and television, mainly aimed at primary school students. These include workshops and seminars in movie making and animation.

Australian Centre for the Moving Image: Generator

Australian Centre for the Moving Image's (ACMI) Generator is an online interactive site where teachers and students can watch videos created by their peers and industry professionals, as well as upload their own. Students create films using the Storyboard Generator, an interactive tool that demonstrates how storyboarding works and allows them to build their own using copyright-free resources from the Free Media Library. Teachers can also access videos of industry professionals discussing aspects of their craft, along with suggestions for further debate in the classroom.

Australian Centre for the Moving Image: Educators Lounge

Australian Centre for the Moving Image's (ACMI) Educators Lounge is a network for those interested in screen literacy and use of digital technologies in the classroom. It provides free online resources designed specifically for teachers around themes such as Web 2.0 and beyond. 

Australian Teachers of Media

Australian Teachers of Media (ATOM) is a support organisation promoting the study of media. ATOM runs professional development workshops and organises film screenings for teachers as well as resources such as study guides and a Screen Education magazine.

ATOM Queensland: Delicious

This site contains Australia Teachers of Media (ATOM) Queensland's list of resources for media arts. Educators can access links to production, animation, multimedia companies, media resources, publications, television shows and peak media arts bodies.

Center for Digital Storytelling

This US site provides resources around a theme. Educators can access sample digital life stories developed as part of a workshop process. Teachers can use these digital stories to encourage debate or as examples for students making their own stories. The links and resources section provides access to other digital storytelling projects.


PlaceStories is an online interactive resource that provides students with easy-to-use tools for creating and sharing digital stories, such as videos, audio, documents or postcards. Students can use the site to collaborate on storytelling projects, which can be developed as part of an online community.


FreeSound is an online interactive site that provides a database of Creative Commons audio files. Students can rip, mix, burn and share a wide variety of sounds for use in projects such as films or digital stories.

National Film and Sound Archive: Digital Learning

This general resources site combines the former Screen Australia Digital Learning websites and National Film and Sound Archive's (NFSA) online education resources. It features links to thousands of video and audio clips, as well as interactive sites, many of which are accompanied by resource sheets, background information and classroom activities.  Useful resources include: websites such as Digital Resource Finder, Australian History Timeline, National Treasures; and interactive learning activities on Charles Darwin and Pacific stories, with an interactive map.

National Film and Sound Archive: DIY doco

DIY doco provides lesson plans and worksheets designed to help teachers and students with practical skills for analysing and creating documentaries. It includes clips from Australian documentaries with accompanying teacher's notes, an interactive quiz, filmmaking forms and a reading list of essays about documentaries. Teachers can also access videos showing how teachers and students have used DIY doco in the classroom. The site is primarily aimed at secondary students.

Daniela Reimann: Media Arts Education

This blog, regularly updated, provides advice to teachers and discusses trends in arts education, with a focus on interdisciplinary approaches to media, arts and education. The site contains example projects, conference reports, journal publications and calls for papers. These resources provide teachers with an overview of research and new developments in the arts industry and arts education.

Center for Media Literacy

This  US site provides advice to educators and offers suggestions and resources for integrating media literacy into subjects such as English, social science, history, health and life skills. Teachers can access standards for teaching media literacy, frequently asked questions, digital tools, suggested topics and issues and lesson plans.

Queensland University of Technology: Digital Storytelling

This general resources site features more than 300 examples of digital stories developed by Queensland University of Technology (QUT) staff, students and researchers. Teachers may use these as stimulus material for students creating their own digital stories, or to discuss issues such as love, loss, ageing, memory and community.

The West Australian: Newspapers in Education

This site offers programs for schools on using newspapers as educational resources in the classroom, for all levels and across many learning areas. It provides lesson plans and resources linking newspapers to the Curriculum Framework. Subsidised newspapers are also provided, and students can enter competitions or submit their work for publication. Teachers can attend workshops for developing teaching strategies and lesson plans.

This project is funded by the Australian Government Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations.