Managing Time – Strategies to guide the development of quality arts partnerships

  • Plan carefully visits from artists and other members of the arts community to help students to achieve particular arts learning outcomes.
  • Explore the best ways of integrating artists' visits into the sequence of lessons within the unit(s) of work.
  • Invite community partners to be involved in arts events held in the school to build on links with local communities and draw on their information, assistance or content
  • Seek opportunities for exhibitions and performance opportunities not only within classrooms and schools, but also in districts, universities and other community venues.
  • Find opportunities for students to participate in community arts projects or events to give students a greater sense of connectedness to their local community.
  • Negotiate with partners to facilitate educational visits that support arts learning in the classroom with clear curriculum links and outcomes.
  • Provide opportunities for the school and wider community, such as including arts professionals to interact and collaborate on arts projects and in real-life learning situations.
  • Consider the students' engagement when developing and evaluating the arts project, remembering that if the teachers or the artists aren't finding the experience inspiring, it's likely the students aren’t either.

This project is funded by the Australian Government Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations.